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SVRD: Task 1&2 Training set Updated

Dear SVRD Participants,

The Task 1&2 training set annotations have been updated to correct several labeling issues. The downloading links has changed. Please download and use the updated datasets to train your models. Besides, the annotations format also has been updated. Please refer to Tasks for details. Thank you.

Apologize for the late updation. The Task 1&2 also extended the submission date. Please refer to Important Dates.

Hope you enjoy the competition!

SVRD Organizers

Challenge News

Important Dates

15 January 2024: Competition Announced

19 February 2024: Validation data released

5th March 2024: Test data release

20 April 2024:  Submission site opens

15 May 2024: Deadline for competition submissions

All deadlines are in the AoE time zone