News - Occluded RoadText


Updated training/validation set

Dear participants, 

[17/02]: The training and validation dataset has been updated to also contain list and unanswerable questions. Question-answer pairs from the previous subset have been revised.

The links under Download have been updated to point to the newest annotations file, as well as to the binaries with some patched OCR files.

For the easiest access to the latest version of the dataset, we suggest you use DUDE_loader on HuggingFace Datasets.


Challenge News

Important Dates

15 January 2024: Competition Announced

19 February 2024: Validation data released

5th March 2024: Test data release

20 April 2024:  Submission site opens

15 May 2024: Deadline for competition submissions

All deadlines are in the AoE time zone