News - ICDAR2017 Robust Reading Challenge on COCO-Text


DUDE - Extended Submission Deadline

Due to a postponed deadline for the ICDAR competition report, we can offer more time for participants to submit solutions to DUDE. 

This makes the final (HARD) deadline for DUDE participant submissions: Thursday 20 April. 
We hope this extended deadline gives participants some room to further polish their solutions and claim their places on the leaderboard. 

Kind regards, 


Important Dates

March, 13: COCO-Text available. (train/val/test).

March, 19: Cropped words dataset available. (train/val).

March, 23: Annotations updated (v1.4).

March, 30: Cropped words dataset updated (v1.4).

May, 23:    Submissions opening.

June, 30: Submission of results deadline.

September, 28: Results publication.

November, 10-15: Results presentation.