News - ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Reading Chinese Text on Signboard


The challenge continues in ICDAR 2021

The second edition of this challenge will take place in the context of the 16th Int. Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) 2021. We plan for certain updates in the data and evaluation metrics for this edition - details to appear soon in the description of the tasks.

Challenge News

Important Dates

1 March 2019: Web site ready and Registration open

18 March 2019: Training set available

12 April 2019: The first part of test set available

20 April 2019: The second part of test set available, and Website opens for result submission

30 April 2019: Submission of results deadline

10 May 2019: Deadline for providing short descriptions of the participating methods

20-25 September 2019: Results presentation