News - ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Scanned Receipts OCR and Information Extraction
04/14/2023Competition 2023 Results are out! Read here for more!
Results are out! Check here!
The `Results` / `My Methods` tabs will also be released soon and allow non-competition submissions and evaluation on HierText test set.
Note that, the competition submission from the DeepSE x Upstage team failed in the evaluation server, probably due to some memory issue in the server, and thus has 0 scores in the Task 1. However, evaluating it locally on our linux machine was successful, so we still gave this submission its fair scores and ranking in the competition. For fair comparison, we also evaluated all other submissions in all tasks to make sure that the local evaluation gives the same results as the server.
Challenge News
- 03/18/2019
SROIE Training Datasets Updated
Important Dates
Registration open: February 10 – March 31, 2019
Training/validation dataset available: March 1, 2019
Task 1&2 submission open: April 15, 2019
Task 1&2 submission deadline: April 22, 2019
Task 3 submission open: April 23, 2019
Task 3 submission Deadline: May 5, 2019
Note on the registration for the SROIE challenge:
There is no need to register explicitly for the SROIE challenge. As long as you are registered to the RRC portal you will be able to submit your results when the submission is open.
Note on the granulairty level of recognition outcomes for Task2:
Dear All, we received a few quiries on the above issue. We would like to clarify that for Task2, you should submit all the recognized words, which are split from the detected sentences. For example, for a sentence "Payment Date: 2018/09/19", you should submit three words "Payment", "Date:" and "2018/09/19". The chinese characters if any need to be ignored in the submission.
Note on the extension of Task 3 submission deadline:
Dear All, following many requests from Task 3 participants, the Task 3 submission deadline is extended to 5th May, 2019.