News - ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Multi-lingual scene text detection and recognition


ArT: Training set available

The training set of ICDAR 2019-ArT is ready for downloading. Task descriptions have also been updated. Hope you enjoy the competition!

Important Dates

15 Feb to 2 May

Manifestation of interest by participants opens

Asking/Answering questions about the details of the competition

1 Mar

Competition formal announcement

15 Mar

Website fully ready

Registration of participants continues

Evaluation protocol, file formats etc. available

15 Mar to 2 May

Train set available - training period - MLT challenge in progress -Participants evaluate their methods on the training/validation sets - Prepare for submission

Registration is still open

2 May

Registration closes for this MLT challenge for ICDAR-2019

2 May to 3 June

Test set available

27 May

Deadline for submitting: 1) participant information (names and affiliation), 2) methods description, 3) initial (or final) results

3 June

Deadline for submission of the final results by participants

20 - 25 Sept

Announcement of results at ICDAR2019

1 Oct

The public release of the full dataset