News - ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Multi-lingual scene text detection and recognition


DUDE: RRC submission system being upgraded

As of today, it is not yet possible to send submissions for the DUDE competition as the RRC submission system is being updated. 
We expect this to resolve shortly and we suggest that participants use the provided standalone scripts for evaluating their systems on the current live validation set.
Once the submission system is live and the blind test set (only questions) is online, we will update all competitors. 

Important Dates

15 Feb to 2 May

Manifestation of interest by participants opens

Asking/Answering questions about the details of the competition

1 Mar

Competition formal announcement

15 Mar

Website fully ready

Registration of participants continues

Evaluation protocol, file formats etc. available

15 Mar to 2 May

Train set available - training period - MLT challenge in progress -Participants evaluate their methods on the training/validation sets - Prepare for submission

Registration is still open

2 May

Registration closes for this MLT challenge for ICDAR-2019

2 May to 3 June

Test set available

27 May

Deadline for submitting: 1) participant information (names and affiliation), 2) methods description, 3) initial (or final) results

3 June

Deadline for submission of the final results by participants

20 - 25 Sept

Announcement of results at ICDAR2019

1 Oct

The public release of the full dataset