- Task 2 - Word Recognition - Method: Tencent-DPPR Team & USTB-PRIR
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method: Tencent-DPPR Team & USTB-PRIR2017-06-30
Authors: Tencent-DPPR Team (Chunchao Guo, Weichen Zhang, Yi Li, Hui Song, Ming Liu, Hongfa Wang, Lei Xiao) & USTB-PRIR (Chun Yang, Zejun Li, Jianwei Wu, Jiebo Hou, Xu-Cheng Yin)
Description: Tencent-DPPR (Data Platform Precision Recommendation) Team. First, they use CNN to extract features from images. Second, they employ multiple LSTM- based models to generate different results and thus to obtain a candidate set for each image. Third, they design a heuristic mechanism to select the result with the maximum probability for each image.