News - ICDAR 2017 Robust Reading Challenge on Omnidirectional Video
03/05/2015Datasets are now available
Datasets for training and testing are now available for the new tasks for the 2015 edition of the competition:
T1.4 - End-to-End on Born digital images
T2.4 - End-to-End on Focused scene text images
T3.4 - End-to-End on Video sequences
T4.1 - Text Localisation in Incidental scene text images
T4.3 - Word Recognition in Incidental scene text images
T4.1 - End-to-End on Incidental scene text images
In addition, the datasets for the following task have been updated:
T3.1 - Text Localisation in Video sequences
Challenge News
Important Dates
April, 15: Initial training data available
May 27: More training data available
June 10: Test data available / Submissions open
June, 30: Submission of results deadline.
November, 10-15: Results presentation.