News - ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Reading Chinese Text on Signboard


ReST: The Vocabulary Updated

Dear ReST Participants,

The vocabulary of training/test set, named as chars.txt, have increased the number of characters and been updated. The downloading links remain unchanged. Please download and use the updated chars.txt to train your models. Thank you.

ReST Organizers

Challenge News

Important Dates

1 March 2019: Web site ready and Registration open

18 March 2019: Training set available

12 April 2019: The first part of test set available

20 April 2019: The second part of test set available, and Website opens for result submission

30 April 2019: Submission of results deadline

10 May 2019: Deadline for providing short descriptions of the participating methods

20-25 September 2019: Results presentation