method: LayoutLMV3&StrucText2023-03-21

Authors: Minhui Wu(伍敏慧),Mei Jiang(姜媚),Chen Li(李琛),Jing Lv(吕静),Qingxiang Lin(林庆祥),Fan Yang(杨帆)

Affiliation: TencentOCR

Description: Our methods are mainly based on LayoutLMv3 and StrucTextv1 model architecture. All training models are finetuned on large pretrained models of LayoutLM and StrucText. During training and testing, we did some preprocessings to merge and split some badly detected boxes. Since entity label of kv-pair boxes are ignored, we used model trained on task1 images to predict kv relations of text boxes in task2 training/testing images. Thus we added additional 2 classes of labels (question/answer) and mapped original labels to new labels(other -> question/answer) to ease the difficulty of training. Similarly, During testing, we used kv-prediction model to filter those text boxes with kv relations and used model trained on task2 to predict entity label of the lefted boxes. In addition, we combined predicted results of different models based on scores and rules and did some postprocessings to merge texts with same entity label and generated final output.

method: LayoutLM&StrucText2023-03-20

Authors: Minhui Wu(伍敏慧),Mei Jiang(姜媚),Chen Li(李琛),Jing Lv(吕静),Qingxiang Lin(林庆祥),Fan Yang(杨帆)

Affiliation: TencentOCR

Description: Our methods are mainly based on LayoutLMv3 and StrucTextv1 model architecture. All training models are finetuned on large pretrained models of LayoutLM and StrucText. During training and testing, we did some preprocessings to merge and split some badly detected boxes. Since entity label of kv-pair boxes are ignored, we used model trained on task1 images to predict kv relations of text boxes in task2 training/testing images. Thus we added additional 2 classes of labels (question/answer) and mapped original labels to new labels(other -> question/answer) to ease the difficulty of training. Similarly, During testing, we used kv-prediction model to filter those text boxes with kv relations and used model trained on task2 to predict entity label of the lefted boxes. In addition, we combined predicted results of different models based on scores and rules and did some postprocessings to merge texts with same entity label and generated final output.

method: sample-32023-03-21

Authors: Zhenrong Zhang, Lei Jiang, Youhui Guo, Jianshu Zhang, Jun Du

Affiliation: University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), iFLYTEK AI Research


Description: 1. We use the GraphDoc[1] to perform bounding box classification, which utilizes text, layout, and visual information simultaneously.

Ranking Table

Description Paper Source Code
2023-03-21task 1 transfer learning LiLT + task3 transfer learning LiLT + LilLT + Layoutlmv3 ensemble45.70%40.20%44.60%
2023-03-20Pre-trained model based entity extraction (ro)44.98%40.06%43.99%
2023-03-20Pre-trained model based entity extraction (roxy)44.96%40.06%43.98%
2023-03-20Pre-trained model based entity extraction (split_ro)44.61%39.49%43.59%
2023-03-20Pre-trained model based entity extraction (split_roxy)44.60%39.49%43.58%
2023-03-21EXO-brain for KIE44.02%39.63%43.14%
2023-03-21Ex-brain for KIE44.00%39.46%43.09%
2023-03-21Ex-brain for KIE44.00%39.46%43.09%
2023-03-21Ex-brain for KIE43.66%39.30%42.79%
2023-03-21multi-modal based KIE through model fusion42.42%37.97%41.53%
2023-03-21 multi-modal based KIE through model fusion of different model41.94%36.90%40.93%
2023-03-20 multi-modal based KIE using LayoutLMv341.64%36.77%40.67%
2023-03-21multi-modal based KIE through model fusion41.28%37.37%40.50%
2023-03-20result of zhang41.66%35.65%40.46%
2023-03-19result of zhang40.63%39.13%40.33%
2023-03-21Ex-brain for KIE41.38%35.14%40.13%
2023-03-17multi-modal based KIE using LayoutLMv340.64%36.61%39.83%
2023-03-21result v540.93%35.03%39.75%
2023-03-20result of zhang v440.71%35.39%39.65%
2023-03-20result of zhang v340.57%34.79%39.42%

Ranking Graphic