method: AntAI-Cognition2020-04-22

Authors: Qingpei Guo, Yudong Liu, Pengcheng Yang, Yonggang Li, Yongtao Wang, Jingdong Chen, Wei Chu

Affiliation: Ant Group & PKU


Description: We are from Ant Group & PKU. Our approach is an ensemble method with three text detection models. The text detection models mainly follow the MaskRCNN framework[1], with different backbones(ResNext101-64x4d[2], CBNet[3], ResNext101-32x32d_wsl[4]) used. GBDT[5] is trained to normalize confidence scores and select quadrilateral boxes with the highest quality from all text detection models' outputs. Multi-scale training and testing are adopted for all basic models. For the training set, we also add ICDAR19 MLT datasets, both training & validation sets are used to get the final result.

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